We celebrated Thanksgiving down at my parents in Fort Smith. Mom, Dad, Katie, Brooke and Jerod were there and Grandma and Grandpa, Ginger, Kevin and Eli joined us for dinner. We had a wonderful time. It is always good to catch up with Family. I want Abby and Mia to love family gatherings as much as Greg and I do. At our Thanksgiving we go around and tell what we are thankful for. Abby participated for the first time and said me and Honey and her daddy. It was precious. Mia, on the other hand was pouting in my arms because she had just been spanked for spitting on Aunt KK's face. Nice Mia, Happy Thanksgiving to you to.
Abby and Mia love love love being at Honeys. It is even better when the Aunts are there because they get undivided attention 24/7. They hardly speak to Greg or me, we pretty much have to reintroduce ourselves as their parents after a visit. That being said, we had a couple of first this year. Abby and Eli became fast friends. It was fun for abby to have a playmate for the day that could really do what four/five year olds do. They ran all over the house, did a craft that Honey provided and played out in the leaves. They wore themselves out and were sad when Eli had to go.
The other BIG first was that Abby actually crawled up in Bop's lap on several occassions and let him read her a book and just hang out. Now for those of you who dont understand the significance of this, let me give you some history. Bop is Brooke's husband Jerod and he has been around since Abby was very little. However, until about a year ago, Abby could hardly look at him let alone sit in his lap. I personally think that she had a little crush on him and was just too shy to look at him. Anyway, last year Bop brought some glue to fix one of Abby's barbies and the ice broke. However, she has never just up and sat on his lap or even hugged him. I walked into the room that night and low and behold the two of them were in the chair and Bop was reading a book to her. Even bigger, that was not the first time that day that she had done that. Way to go Bop. We knew all along that Abby loved you, thanks for waiting her out. You are a great Uncle and we are so thankful for you.
I am thankful for all of my family. My parents, Grandparents, Sisters, cousins, Brother-in-law, husband and kids. I take them all for granted too much. Abby and Mia, I hope you will know the joy of family coming together to fellowship and celebrate holidays your whole sweet lives.
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