As you can see from the unhappy faces in the other picture, they did not get the nap. For the life of me I cannot figure out what these two are unhappy about. I get tickled every time I see the picture. We rode lots of rides. Mike rode the most with these two. He took them on the pirate ship, the tea cups and the haunted house. Greg and Mike rode this spinny thingy ride that about made me sick watching them. They also rode the giant barn swing and about made me and Lisa cry we were laughing so hard. They looked like they were going to cry they were so scared. Even the kids thought there was something wrong with them.
Mia finally rode the ladybug by herself. The last time she rode this she screamed and cried the whole time. Later that night we let the girls decorate cookies. Mia loved the icing,
:ater we watched the Christmas tree light up while we sipped very very hot chocolate. It was a great night to get us in the holiday spirit!!
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